Standard Diploma Track

The Standard Diploma Track offers students a full range of courses designed to prepare them for either a college education or the job market. The included courses prepare students to take the ACT or SAT and also offer a wide range of elective topics to suit personal interests or career and career goals.

In addition, the following guidelines apply:

  • Applicants should be at least 14 years old.
  • Students must complete a minimum of 3.0 credits (6 courses) every 6 months.
  • Students must complete 24.0 credits.
  • Eligibility for Diploma: Complete a minimum of 6.0 credits (12 courses) through BYU Online High School. Students must complete at least 25% of the courses required at BYU OHS. These credits may be split between the junior and senior years. Students must be enrolled in the semester in which they intend to graduate..

Note: Although most colleges accept credits from the BYU Online High School, students should always consult with their intended college before enrolling.

Required Courses (Utah State Standards)

English (4.0 credits)

Complete these courses:

9th Grade English:
ENGL 041, 043

10th Grade English:
ENGL 045, 047

11th Grade English:
ENGL 051, 053

12th Grade English:
ENGL 055, 057

Math (3.0 credits)

Complete these courses:

Algebra 1:
ALG 051, 053

GEOM 041, 043

Algebra 2:
ALG 055, 057


Secondary Mathematics I:
Math 051, 052

Secondary Mathematics II:
Math 053, 054

Secondary Mathematics III:
Math 055, 056

Science (3.0 credits)

Complete two of these Science core courses:

Earth Science:
EARTH 041, 043

BIOL 041, 043

PHSCS 041, 043

CHEM 061, 063

Complete an additional Science core or Science elective (1.0 credit):

See our Course Catalog for elective options:

Social Studies (3.0 credits)

Complete these Social Studies core courses:

World Geography:
GEOG 041

World History:
HIST 061

US History:
HIST 041, 043

US Government:
GOVT 041

Complete Social Studies elective (0.5 credit):

See our Course Catalog for options:

Health/Physical Education (2.0 credits)

Complete both of the following Health/Physical Education courses:

Health Education:
HLTH 041

Physical Education:
FIT 041

Complete two PE electives (1.0 credit):

FIT 045
BOWL 041
FIT 049
GOLF 041
JOG 041
SWIM 043
TEN 041
WALK 041

Career & Technical Education (1.0 credit)

Complete two Career & Technical Education courses:

See our Course Catalog for options:

Digital Studies (0.5 credit)

Complete one Digital Studies course:

Computer Science:
CS 041

Business Office Specialist:
CS 045

Fine Arts (1.5 credit)

Complete any three Fine Arts (or Visual and Performing Arts) courses:

See our Course Catalog for options:

Financial Literacy (0.5 credit)

Complete the following Financial Literacy course:

Financial Literacy:
FINL 041

Elective (5.5 credits)

Complete 5.5 credits of elective courses:

0.5 credits must come from our Career & College Readiness (CCR) course.

Other elective courses are any nonrequired courses offered that have not previously been taken. Courses that may fulfill the requirements for two or more subjects can only be counted once.

See our Course Catalog for options:

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